Young Researcher Innovation Forum

The CMT Research Foundation (CMTRF) understands that groundbreaking progress often stems from novel and sometimes fresh ideas and that these innovative ideas often come from the new generation of scientific minds. To foster such innovation, the CMTRF has established the Young Researcher Innovation Grant for CMT Research. This grant will award $25,000 project-based grants to young researchers with pioneering ideas aimed at addressing major challenges in CMT drug development, with the potential for higher amounts awarded to junior PIs. 

Join us on Thursday, September 26th, at the Royal Sonesta Hotel in Cambridge, MA, to discuss the key challenges in CMT drug development, brainstorm potential solutions, and provide detailed information about the Young Researcher Innovation Grant requirements and deadlines. Attending this forum will be a requirement to qualify for the 2024-2025 grants. 

To qualify for the Young Researcher Innovation Grant for CMT Research, you must meet the following requirements: 

  • Hold a PhD and/or MD obtained within the last 10 years or be a current PhD and/or MD student. 
  • Have a demonstrated interest in advancing CMT drug development research.
  • Work in an environment where the research can be conducted. 
  • Attend the Young Researcher Innovation Forum on Thursday September 26th in-person (preferred) or virtually. This forum is held in conjunction with the CMT Global Research Convention, which all participants are encouraged to attend. 

Forum attendees can apply for $1,200 travel stipends to cover the costs of attending both the forum and the CMT Global Research Convention immediately following. Forum attendees that do not receive travel stipends will be given free admission to the CMT Global Research Convention (a $140 value). Travel stipends will be prioritized for attendees presenting poster or oral presentations at the CMT Global Research Convention, but all applicants are eligible. The deadline to apply for the travel stipend is August 25, 2024. 

For any inquiries, please email [email protected].